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Wednesday, August 04, 2010

New New Beginning (for real this time?)

It's been a day shot of a calendar year since I said I'd update more and updates still aren't happening.  College does that to you.

Anyway, I updated the layout here in an attempt to make myself post more and make this blog useful.  I won't promise regular updates like last time, but I'll at least try to post some of my more coherent ramblings here and possibly some music-related things if I can get back to having the time to be musical.

I also upated the layout and design of my other blog and it now looks vaguely like Steam.  That is all for now.  I don't want to post too much before sleepiness takes away my coherency. 

Sunny Side Up

Sunny Side Up
"Do not anticipate truoble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sun light." - Ben Franklin